30 minute talks and 90 minute workshops

On each day, talks will be held in the morning sessions (between keynote and lunch) and will last for 30 minutes.

As we always want to equip people with practical ideas, we have a number of workshop slots. As these are breakout sessions, there are more available slots for these workshops, than there are for talks. Workshops are held after lunch and the ending Plenary session, and will last 90 minutes.

The theme is “Enabling a culture of Agility” and we are keen to hear stories about how Agile principles have been applied outside technology. We will continue to use the Heart of Agile as a general framework and will be looking for some alignment between accepted talks and one or more of the four quadrants of the HoA. We are proud of our unique relationship with Alistair Cockburn (Heart of Agile inventor) and that we are the first event outside of the US to use HoA, in this way.

Hurry, submissions close on 2 December 2018.

If you have a query, you can email the 1st Conference Content team